Tally Ho, old chaps. I present a simple proposition. On the third of every week, henceforth referred to as Tuesday, I shall scour the Interwebs for an electronic automation that can only be described as a classic. This is the inaugural Classic. I display before you, from the forges of Twilight Utilities
Windows Hider.
A simple, basic tool for the everyman. Just a minute dab of Ctrl-Shift-H, or any other permutation of modifiers and input keys, shall disembody your window, banishing it from the mortal realm into smoke. With a quick wave of the hand, and a jiffilous Ctrl-Shift-M, you may summon your concealed viewing panes at your leisure.
I personally find this contraption to be of great practicality. It couples well with other discreet utilities, of which begin at their leisure but are useful sporadically. Certain specimens of image modifiers, such as the GIMP or the (in)famous photoshop, which enjoy materializing at a steady progress, can simply be run outside the material plane, under the assumption that you have CPU to spare.
If you, perchance, happen to find yourself delaying diligent labor at home or at work, use Windows Hider to thwart your enemies and employers.
This goes very well with other classics, but I confess. I require the material. It shall be revealed in future classics. Have a wonderful night.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Baron's Classics the First
Posted by
3/10/2009 10:00:00 AM
Windows Hider

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