New Features:
- Improved the new Private Browsing Mode.
- Improvements to web worker thread support.
- Improved performance and stability with the new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine.
- New native JSON support.
- Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.
- Support for new web technologies such as the
- Features in earlier versions can be found here: Beta 1 and Beta 2
Opening Screen and About Page. Notice the New Tab button is here w/o add-ons

Higher Acid3 Tests (93/100)

Private Browsing Feature improved in this beta:

Clear the History/Private Data from a selective period of time, like in Chrome:

Standard SSL Sites will now have the domain in blue.

OGG Videos don't require plugins or players to be played:

Download Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 today and help test the new versions of Firefox if you're interested. By default, it will install into a different directly than the standard Firefox. Therefore, it will not override your current Firefox installation, meaning you will still have your original Firefox installed. Remember that some of your add-ons might not have been updated to work with Firefox 3.1 Beta yet.
It is planned that the version be bumped up to 3.5 in future versions because this was originally planned to be a minor update however numerous new features triggered this decision.
If you don't want to try the beta but normal Firefox versions, download the stable released Mozilla Firefox 3.0 today!
Email me any questions at:
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